Number of Children | Tuition |
1 | $4,800.00 |
2 | $8,650.00 |
3 | $12,300.00 |
4 | $12,300.00 |
Additional fees will be automatically taken out or billed by TADS on your payment plan.
Kindergarten through 8th Grade | Technology | $200.00 |
6th Grade through 8th Grade | Science Fee | $20.00 |
3-5 years old | $3,300.00 |
3-5 years old | $4,450.00 |
3-5 years old | $6,300.00 |
Preschool only | Snack & Technology | $250.00 |
Pathway I | Covers the full cost of attendance. Based on income eligibility. |
Pathway II | Amount dependent on need. Based on income eligibility. |
Tuition Policy